vendredi 12 octobre 2007

Anaïs, my classmate

I'm going to introduce a classmate: this is Anaïs. She's sixteen years old and she comes from Switzerland. However, her nationality is Czech. She was born in Geneva and she lives with her parents and her brother in Châtelaine. She doesn't wear glasses.
Anaïs likes Ska, rock and metal: they are her favourite sort of music and her favourite colour is red but she doesn't wear any red clothes.
At school, she isn't interested in learning English but she likes a lot maths lessons. After school, she wants to be a sociologist and she's going to learn this job in a HES.
In her freetime, she goes to the cinema with her boyfriend or her friends and she watches TV. She has a hobby: she's just in love with horses. She rides horse three times a week; for instance, yesterday she was horse riding.
In Geneva, she likes going shopping with friends, dancing at the disco, walking in woods and eating ice-cream near the lake. She loves watching movies at cinema but she didn't see the best movie at the moment:"Hairspray".
At home, Anaïs generally helps her parents. For exemple, she sometimes cooks her own meal or the family's meal and she likes it. She loves relaxing on the sofa when she's watching TV and cooking some cakes.
She's already been to the USA and she went to Sweden last summer. However, she doesn't know now in which country she's going the next vacation.
That's all!
P.-S.: She's a very funny classmate: I love her!

mercredi 10 octobre 2007

My flat in the Plainpalais-Jonction area
I live in a five rooms' flat near "la Plaine de Plainpalais". The building where I live is old, we don't have any elevator. As we live on the third floor, we make a lot of exercise in the stairs!
It's a nice and very luminous place with high ceilings - three bedrooms, one for my parents, one for my two little sisters and one for me, a kitchen, a big living-room, two toilets and two bathrooms (because there were two apartments before).
I see two inconveniences: as it's old, it isn't well isolated, so it's difficult to study when my neighbours are listening to music and we sometimes can smell their cigarettes! The other thing is that it's difficult to warm as we just have two gas stoves for the whole apartment.
The area where I live is called Plainpalais-Jonction. It's very convenient for me to live here because it's near the college and my dance school. I like to live in the center, you can walk and take buses and trams very easily.
The bad thing is that there is a lot of traffic and it can be really noisy; not only because of the cars but also because people go out a lot at weekends at night. There is a little square near the house, but not a lot of "nature" (just like three trees) in this area.
There are many art galleries and also the MAMCO, museum of modern art; it stands just in front of my building. This district has had a nice development since they built the new university of Mail; new little pubs and shops has opened.

jeudi 30 août 2007

Letter to Mrs Pahud

Dear Mrs Pahud,
I'm going to introduce myself: I'm Anouchka Studemann and I'm fifteen years old. I come from Switzerland and I've three little sisters. In fact, they are my half sisters but there isn't any difference for me: they are like my real sisters. Their names are Marie -she's the oldest-, Leïla and Manon. She's three years old and she loves playing in her room with her toys. However, Leïla prefers watching TV and walking near the Leman lake.
This summer, I went for three weeks to New York City, to Manhattan's area. That was so great! I want to go back there... I loved being over there! I was dancing every day and I met a lot of friends. They were so funny and cute: I love them! The buildings were so huge: I had a headache when I saw the Empire State Building... I had such a great time! When I came back in Switzerland, I visited some cities and villages: there were a lot of beautiful houses. The last week of my vacation, I saw my friends and we ate sushis near the lake. We went shopping for clothes and books. Twice this week, I spent a lot of time in the "Bains des Pâquis": that was very nice!
Kind regards,